
(ReachRSS >= 0.91)
channel_image_url -- Returns the locally cached image URL for the requested channel


string channel_image_url ( channel_url )

Each RSS/RDF channel can reference an image to use to represent the channel or provider. ReachRSS caches these channel images locally so that they display fast and don't cause stress on the provider's servers.

This function accepts the URL of a channel and, if an image exists for that channel, returns the URL to access that image at. This URL can be used in HTML <img src=""> tags. If the specified channel does not have an image, or if that image is not cached locally, channel_image_url() returns false.

Example 1. channel_image_url() example

$ReachRSS = new ReachRSS();
$ImageURL = $ReachRSS->channel_image_url(
print '<img src="'.$ImageURL.'">';

This example will subscribe ReachRSS to the "most popular comics" feed at Comic Alert! and then print an <img> HTML tag to display that image.

See also channel_image(), channel_image_type(), channel_property(), add_channel()

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