channels (ReachRSS >= 0.91) Description array channels ( void ) This function returns an array of strings, each one containing the URL of a subscribed channel. The values in the returned array can be used when calling functions such as update_channel(), remove_channel(), channel_property(), etc. Example 1. channels() example $ReachRSS = new ReachRSS(); $ReachRSS->Startup(); $ReachRSS->add_channel(""); $AllChannels = $ReachRSS->channels(); foreach ($AddChannels as $ChannelURL) { print "$ChannelURL\n"; } This example will subscribe ReachRSS to the "most popular comics" feed at Comic Alert! and then fetch all subscribed channel URLs and output them one per line. See also add_channel(), remove_channel(), channel_exists(), update_channel(), channel_property(), item_property()
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