
(ReachRSS >= 0.91)
max_items -- Sets the maximum number of items to keep per channel


int max_items ( [int number_of_items ] )

In order to keep your data fresh ReachRSS only keeps as many items as are relivant to you from each channel - max_items() allows you to specify that value. max_items() applies to all channels - there isn't at present a way to specify different max_items for different channels. ReachRSS will keep the number_of_items most recent items and discard any others.

If number_of_items is set, this function will set the maximum number of items per channel that ReachRSS will keep.

max_items() returns the previous max items value, which means if called without the number_of_items parameter you can determine the current number.

Example 1. max_items() example

$ReachRSS = new ReachRSS();
$Prev = $ReachRSS->max_items(25);
print $Prev;

This example will instruct ReachRSS to keep up to 25 items per channel and print the previous maximum (by default "15").

See also max_time()

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